Automotive Engineering Exposition 2024 YOKOHAMA

Recommended use

Automotive Engineering Exposition 2024 YOKOHAMA has ended.
Thank you very much for your attendance.

More online exhibitions will be available!

We will guide you how to make the best use of the Yokohama exhibition and the online exhibition.

Listing function linked to venue MAP

Search for the technologies and products that you are interested in.

At the Online Exposition Website…
Free word search
Free word search

Create a visit list from the search results.

Create and add search results to your list with a single click.

Automatically reflect your visit list on a digital map.

At the venue…

Visitors can check the locations of exposition booths on their list via their smart phone or tablet.

Free word search
Free word search
After visiting a booth…

You can enter comments in the visit notes and use them as part of your visit report.


You can check out, learn, and look up information at any time during the exposition.

  • On the way to and from exhibitions, on the train to work…
  • After returning from an exhibition or on a separate day, in-house…
  • On the couch when you get home or on holidays…

Other enhanced features!

  • Technical Meeting/Online meeting reservation

    During the Exhibition, you can meet with exhibitors onsite at PACIFICO Yokohama or online.
    Please select the desired date and time and submit your application.
    Once your application is confirmed, you will receive an e-mail from the exhibitor to your registered e-mail address.
    If your meeting is confirmed at PACIFICO Yokohama, please come to the booth where your meeting will be held by the reserved time.

    出展社ページについて イメージ1
  • Bookmarking of favorites

    Exhibitors and products can be added to your "Favorites" list, allowing you to look back at the exhibitor/product pages and check the latest information from your Favorites list.
    We hope you will take advantage of the "Favorite" function.

    出展社ページについて イメージ6