
Automotive Engineering Exposition 2023 has ended.
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JSAE Special Presentations

JSAE Special Presentations

Hybrid of real lecture and live streaming

Six presentations have been arranged based on the JSAE Special Exhibits theme.
*Presentations in Japanese


Archived streaming has ended.
* From June 8 Thursday to June 16 Friday, JSAE members only can attend the lectures.

  • Wednesday, May 24 10:30-11:30

    Live + Archived Streaming
    The circular economy in the GX era

    As global warming and the issue of plastic waste in our oceans become increasingly serious, countries around the world are rapidly adopting a circular economy to address resource and environmental restrictions. This presentation describes the latest economic policies related to resource recycling in Japan, starting with the Plastic Resource Circulation Act that was enacted in April 2022.

    Lecture-watch from here
    Yasuhiro Yoshikawa

    Yasuhiro Yoshikawa

    Deputy Director
    Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau
    Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy Division,
    Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

  • Wednesday, May 24 13:00-14:00

    Live + Archived Streaming
    NEDO’s initiatives for the realization of resource recycling

    As the concept of the circular economy gradually permeates throughout society, increasing expectations are being placed on the proper processing of waste plastic and the efficient recycling of aluminum. This presentation describes NEDO’s initiatives related to the development of resource recycling technologies.

    Lecture-watch from here
    Daisuke Imanishi

    Daisuke Imanishi

    Director and Project Leader
    Environment Department
    New Energy and Industrial Technology Development
    Organization (NEDO)

  • Thursday, May 25 10:30-11:30

    Live + Archived Streaming
    Energy model for a carbon-neutral society

    With local communities on the road to carbon neutrality, strategies are being considered based on the Japan Energy Database. This presentation discusses the future roles of electric vehicles and the uses of renewable energy resources, starting from an understanding of the current energy supply and demand situation.

    Lecture-watch from here
    Toshihiko Nakata

    Toshihiko Nakata

    Graduate School of Engineering
    Tohoku University

  • Thursday, May 25 13:00-14:00

    Live + Archived Streaming
    Rare metals for automobiles: their resource supply risks and environmental destruction associated with production.

    Today, automobiles are a mass of various rare metals.
    At the same time, mining and manufacturing of rare metals are causing environmental destruction overseas. In this lecture, I will outline the current situation and challenges of rare metals, including resource supply risks triggered by the Ukraine crisis and changes in the supply chain, and also introduce "behind-the-scenes" issues that are not known in Japan.

    Lecture-watch from here
    Toru Okabe

    Toru Okabe

    Director General and Professor
    Institute of Industrial Science
    The University of Tokyo

  • Friday, May 26 10:30-11:30

    Live + Archived Streaming
    Carbon-neutral initiatives and taking on the challenge of achieving a recycling-oriented society

    This presentation describes carbon-neutral initiatives across the whole supply chain from vehicle manufacturing to use. It examines these initiatives from the perspective of a recycling-oriented society and discusses the key points for realizing both carbon neutrality and a circular economy.

    Lecture-watch from here
    Tomohiko Ogimura

    Tomohiko Ogimura

    Project General Manager
    CN Advanced Engineering Development Center
    Environment Affairs and Engineering Management Division
    Toyota Motor Corporation

  • Friday, May 26 13:00-14:00

    Live + Archived Streaming
    Advancing toward a recycling-oriented and regenerative business model

    To advance our nature-positive vision, Bridgestone Corporation has dedicated itself to carbon neutrality, the realization of a circular economy, and the creation of a unique sustainable business model that goes hand-in-hand our business. This presentation describes the progress of our initiatives across the whole value chain.

    Lecture-watch from here
    Yusuke Nakashima

    Yusuke Nakashima

    General manager
    Global Environmental Strategy Department
    Bridgestone Corporation