Automotive Engineering Exposition 2021 has ended.
We hope to see you the next exposition.
Special Exhibits
Automotive Technologies for Building
a More Environmentally Friendly and Affluent Society
Our aim is to realize ever-greater convenience and comfort through automotive technologies. We have helped build a rich and varied car-based society while taking on a wide range of issues. As we work to achieve even greater development, automotive technology has recently started to face a once-in-century period of profound transformation. At the same time, as eyes turn toward the global environment, it is a fact that our peaceful and comfortable lifestyles are facing growing challenges from nature.
Therefore, in this year’s AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING EXPOSITION, we are presenting information outlining the impact of industry on the global environment and introducing the leading edge of automotive technological progress for helping to build a more comfortable, environmentally friendly, and sustainable society as we stand on the verge of globally oriented activities.
The Japanese automotive industry is working proactively to drastically reduce CO2 emissions and to help realize a sustainable society. This exhibition showcases some of the automotive and foundational basic technologies developed to achieve these aims, and highlights the contribution of high added value monozukuri technologies to the global environment.
- Venue

- As the global environment faces growing threats, how can we change society in step with the evolution of the car while developing ever more sophisticated technology? The Automobile in the Year 2050, a book published by the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan in 2017, considered how our lifestyles and the mobility underpinnings of our society will evolve from the standpoints of the movement of people and goods in and around urban areas.
- As societies around the world aim for carbon neutrality, the exposition will introduce the fuel efficiency standards to be introduced by Japan in 2030 based on a new well-to-wheel (WTW) approach, and outlines a path toward drastically increasing thermal efficiency and realizing CO2-free fuel and electrification technologies to comply with the new standards.
- Japan is aiming to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. To help realize this objective, the internal combustion engine must play a central role in reducing CO2 emissions over the immediate future. The exposition will showcase some of the technologies that will help to further increase the thermal efficiency of the internal combustion engine.
- As development into non fossil fuel-dependent CO2-free energy advances, the exposition will introduce a range of CO2-free fuels that can be produced and consumed locally, as well as technologies for obtaining and storing hydrogen, regarded as a key future energy source, from renewable energy.
- Electricity generated from a wide range of energy sources is forecast to become a mainstream power source for mobility as Japan aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The exposition presents the cutting edge of technologies addressing the issues standing in the way of vehicle electrification.
- We are seeing almost daily progress in the development of technologies to help protect the global environment from growing threats. The performance of these technologies depends on critical elements that are hidden from the outside. The exposition shines a light on these hidden core technologies that support environmentally friendly vehicles.
Exhibit Collaborators and organizations (in Japanese syllabary order)
AISIN CORPORATION / BluE Nexus Corporation / Bosch Corp. / Bridgestone Corporation / DAIHATSU MOTOR CO., LTD. / DuPont K.K. / Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. / Honda Motor Co., Ltd. / KUNIMOTO INDUSTRY / Mazda Motor Corporation / Nagoya University / NGK SPARK PLUG Co., Ltd. / NIPPON PISTON RING Co., Ltd. / Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. / REVO International Inc. / SINFONIA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. / TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. / Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation / TOYODA GOSEI Co., Ltd. / TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION / UNIVERSITY OF YAMANASHI