JSAE Special Presentations

Six presentations have been arranged based on the JSAE Special Exhibits theme.
- Venue
YOKOHAMAF201 and F202, Annex Hall, 2nd floor
ONLINEONLINE Exposition Website
- Admission
- Free[ Registration required ]
Archive streaming will be available from Wednesday, May 29 to Wednesday, June 5.
* The archives will remain available for JSAE members only from Thursday, June 6 to Friday, June 14.
The circular economy in the GX era
In addition to the issues of waste and climate change, growing global demand for resources and increasing geopolitical risks are becoming urgent issues for the transition to a circular economy. Faced with greater awareness about the significance of resource recycling as an economic activity as opposed to the conventional perspectives of waste treatment and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle), this presentation describes the latest trends related to the circular economy.
- Presenter
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy Division,
Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau
Deputy DirectorYasuhiro Yoshikawa
Resource recycling trends affecting the global automotive industry
Countries and regions around the world are pressing for the establishment of a circular economy as part of measures to address climate change, resource depletion, and economic insecurity. This presentation describes the latest policy trends focusing on the automotive industry, including the proposed ELV regulations in the EU. Other topics include the impacts of these trends on the automotive industry and the direction of future corporate initiatives.
- Presenter
Mizuho Research & Technologies, Ltd.
Sustainability Consulting Division 2
ConsultantShohei Sano
Future ISO-centric activities toward carbon neutrality
In November 2023, the ISO published ISO14068-1:2023 (Climate change management - Transition to net zero Part 1: Carbon neutrality). November of the previous year also saw the publication of the International Workship Agreement IWA 42:2022 (Net zero guidelines). At the same time, work is under way to create a supplement to ISO14064-1:2018 (Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals) that will add details covering avoided emissions.
This presentation will examine future carbon neutral activities in the automotive industry while explaining and discussing the contents of these publications.- Presenter
Japan Life Cycle Assessment Facilitation Centre
PresidentAtsushi Inaba
Material recycling processes for achieving carbon neutrality
This presentation uses examples of chemical processes to discuss the feasibility and expectations for realizing a circular economy from the perspective of carbon neutrality technology development trends in partnerships with arterial and venous industries.
- Presenter
Tohoku University
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
ProfessorToshiaki Yoshioka
Resource circulation toward realization of zero environmental impact
To help maintain the freedom of mobility, Honda is working to realize a system of resource circulation that will enable the optimum balance between recycling and economic efficiency as part of its challenge to eliminate environmental impact. This presentation describes the technologies that Honda is working on, its scheme for resource circulation based on these technologies, and the economy-generating circular value chain.
- Presenter
Honda Motor Co.Ltd
Resource Circulation Planning Division Corporate Strategy Operations,
Corporate Business Development Unit
Senior Chief EngineerWataru Taga
Initiatives by a part manufacturer toward realizing a circular society
There are growing expectations that we can transition from a conventional linear economy centered on mass-production, consumption, and disposal to a circular economy that will help to reduce waste while maximizing the value of resources and products, and minimizing the need for additional resource inputs and consumption. This presentation describes initiatives to create an even more positive cycle through recycling and the adoption of digital technologies from the perspective of Denso Corporation and the automotive parts industry.
- Presenter
Research & Development Center
Senior DirectorMasashi Kiyono
Archive streaming will be available from Wednesday, May 29 to Wednesday, June 5.
* The archives will remain available for JSAE members only from Thursday, June 6 to Friday, June 14.