Automotive Engineering Exposition 2025 NAGOYA

How to attend the Exposition

How to attend the Exposition

Please register in advance before arriving at the venue. To help prevent the spread of infection, registrations will not be accepted on the day.

  1. After completing advance registration via the official website, log into your personal page.
  2. Print out your entry ID in color (size: A4) before coming to the venue.
  3. Fold your entry ID into four and insert into the special folder.
  4. On the day, you will be asked to present your entry ID, undergo a temperature check, and apply hand sanitizer at the visitor reception area of the venue.

Visitors that register for the Nagoya exposition are permitted access to the online exposition.

Please register with the close contact notification service.

Please install the COVID-19 contact-confirming app COCOA that enables you to receive notifications about possible contacts with people infected with the novel coronavirus.

Infection control measures

Click here to read the measures being implemented to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 at the venues.